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Community Stories

Learn from other healthcare providers about their programmes, and how they optimise response rates and staff engagement. Click on the relevant PRM below to see all stories.

14 articles

Driving a Culture of Improvement: NHS Sussex's journeyNHS Sussex Clinical Director shares their remarkable journey in establishing their first unified patient-reported outcomes data set.
Achieving outstanding PROMs response rates: A success story from North Downs HospitalHow North Downs Hospital achieved 95% baseline response rates for their Hip and Knee PROMs programme.
Harnessing Value: Lessons from Pure Sports Medicine's PROMs JourneySimon Lack, Head of Research at Pure Sports Medicine shares how they established a strong PROMs programme for musculoskeletal services.
Unlocking the power of digital PROMs with Ramsay Health Care UKRead about how Ramsay Health Care UK implemented PROMs across their network, and evolved from a paper-based to digital approach.
Patient safety through SSI surveillance at Mercy AscotHow our Surgical Site Infection Programme helped Mercy Ascot live its mantra of “do no harm.”
How Woodland Hospital Transformed Post-Procedure Care Using PROM AlertsJo Milton shares how Woodland Hospital utilises PROM alerts for more timely interventions and personalised follow-up.
The Dual Impact of PROMs for Patients and Clinicians: Insights from Balance Performance PhysiotherapyHow Balance created PROMs impact for their service, clinicians, and patients alike.
Building a culture of evidence-based research for better outcomesPure Sports Medicine Head of Research, Simon Lack, shares their learnings from their innovative and iterative PROMs journey.