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3 communication factors for programme success

Communication best practice for creating a successful programme with engaged staff and patients.

Updated over 8 months ago

This article highlights three key communication factors that contributes to a programmes success. We have seen these factors play out again and again in successful programmes that make impact.

Learn how you can adopt this best practice into your own programme!

1. Communicate the why

Respondents and staff should be informed of your programme and its purpose. This can ensure patients provide feedback and staff listen and respond accordingly.

People are more likely to respond when they expect a survey. To promote participation, implement a communication strategy that provides your patients with information about the programme and its benefits.

"They [service users] really, really need to know it’s coming because I don’t know about you but we’re very, very careful what we open and if this just appeared with no warning I wouldn’t open it." - Respondent

"You’ve got to feel that you’re going to benefit, and it’s really relevant to you, for you to have the interest to do it." - respondent

In turn, ensure your staff have a strong understanding of your organisation's programme and its importance. An internal communication plan should explain the programme's value and how you expect staff to engage. This can inspire and maintain engagement from staff both during the launch phase and beyond.

Patient communication

  • Utilise Cemplicity patient posters for admission and discharge spaces.

  • Include information about the survey in admission or discharge packs. You can also use our survey brochure template for this.

  • Encourage staff to verbally let patients know about the survey on discharge.

Staff communication

  • Provide information about the programme in company-wide internal communications to staff.

  • Host an educational session for staff about the programme, led by a senior executive member, to showcase its importance to the organisation.

  • Create and share staff FAQ posters, providing staff with information about the programme, how it works, how they're expected to engage and a script for what they can communicate to patients. Make use of our staff FAQ template for this!

Note: You will need to be logged into your Cemplicity Reporting Portal to access these resources linked above.

If you need support in this, work with our customer success team to create a communication plan.

Community Inspiration

2. Imbue your organisation with insights

To drive action and improvement, the patient voice needs to be heard across your organisation. For this reason, it is important to regularly communicate key insights from the survey such as areas of success, areas of improvement and key learnings. Embed insights into day-to-day operations by creating alignment of areas to focus on and where to drive improvement.

  • Designate a patient experience champion that can extract survey insights and communicate this across the organisation

  • Embed survey insights into regular executive and board reporting, along with company-wide communications

  • Share teams' learnings to promote cross-team improvement

  • Celebrate the positive stories from respondents, boosting staff morale and demonstrating what respondents value about their experience.

Make sure to utilise our reporting poster templates to share insights with your team! This includes our popular 'Positive Patient Stories' report template.

Community inspiration

Need some inspiration from the community on how others embed their respondent's voices? Then check out their stories below:

3. Demonstrate that you listen

Make your patients feel like their voice truly matters and giving feedback is worth their time. Building value from the patient's perspective is important for maximising responses. One way to do this is showing you listen and act on feedback. Demonstrate how past patient feedback has led to change within your organisation.

  • This can be shown through posters in patient areas and on your websites survey page. E.g “You said….. So we did…..”

Suggested Reading

Our customer success team at Cemplicity is here to support you to make your programme a success! If you would like any guidance on implementing this communication best practice, reach out to our team at

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