These Clinican and Admin Staff communication resources can be utilised to ensure that relevant staff are well informed on the survey, and know what to say to encourage participation from patients/clients. Informing patients/clients ahead of time ensure they will know to expect a survey, know its purpose, trust the invitation, and respond.
Benefits of using these templates:
Staff have a better understanding of the programme and its purpose
Staff have a better understanding of how they benefit from receiving this feedback
Staff can better communicate the benefits of participation
In turn, patients/clients are aware of when to expect a survey invitation
Staff understand what they need to do
What you need to do:
This survey information template for staff must be tailored to your setting before printing. Look across the document and edit the text where applicable.
We recommend printing this poster out on an A3 sized paper at minimum so content is clearly seen.
Clinician FAQ
Share this FAQ poster with your clinicians to help encourage their engagement and buy-in. This covers important information that clinicians should understand so they can confidently communicate to their patients about the programme. Our experience shows that Clinician buy in significantly increases patient participation/response rates.
Admin Staff FAQ
Share this FAQ poster with your admin and reception staff to help encourage their engagement and buy-in. This covers important information that they should understand and what they can communicate to patients to support patient participation.