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PROM Insights report templates

Download our one-page insights report templates to share key outcomes data and comments with your staff.

Updated over 2 years ago

Utilise any of the following two PROMs Insights Report Templates to showcase the outcomes across key measures from your survey. This is designed for you to input key data so you can share this with staff, such as in staff rooms and via email. This ensures the patients' outcomes and voice is being heard across the organisation and awareness of the survey programme is increased. We recommend doing this on a quarterly basis.

Download the report template below and read on to find out what we recommend to include in this report.

What can be included in the PROMs Insights Report 1?

What our patients love: Include comments that illustrate what patients have valued about their treatment or care.

PROMs data table: insert the average scores across key outcome measures between two survey rounds. You can additionally include the organisation average to give staff a better understanding of where they sit.

Average Response Rate: Insert the average response rate across both the location and organisation average.

Baseline Response Rate: It is critical that the baseline response rate is as high as possible - so make sure to include this too.

Note: This template is completely editable, so you can modify areas to your liking. E.g remove the organisation average sections or add or remove a PROM measure.

What can be included in the PROMs Insights Report 2?

Survey Rounds: Edit the text to show the rounds for your survey, and drag the green dots to the rounds you are comparing the outcomes and net change for.

What our patients love: Include comments that illustrate what patients have valued about their treatment or care.

PROM net change: insert the average scores across key outcome measures between two survey rounds.

Response Rate: Insert the average response rate across both the location and organisation average.

PROM Net Change: Input the net change for a specific outcomes measure for a specific cohort or grouping such as pain site, ethnicity, treatment type etc.

Note: This template is completely editable, so you can modify areas to your liking. E.g remove the organisation average sections or add or remove a PROM measure.

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